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NEWSLETTER April, 2017

Thank you for receiving these musings, some philosophical, some mystical, some maybe even a-musing. I've been writing fiction now for about six years and though it is a wonderful feeling to be published, it hasn't all been a shoe box of cuddly baby Kangaroo Rats. It's been a lot of hard work. I've been on a dusty, desert road, heading into this trilogy with a fatiguing mix of inspiration, excitement, confusion, dreams about the characters in the story, and the inevitable slump in emotions when I despaired of ever finishing, much less writing something worthy of readership. But, Blood Stones was published and it has received many great reviews.

So, back into the canyon for Book Two, Cast in Stone, where we follow Sammy Peel as he speeds toward the answers to his fathers death in haunted Sunset Canyon.

When will this story be available? Nice of you to ask. The publishing path for the next two books has changed - I believe for the better. But more of that later in this missive.

First, the RONE award!

Blood Stones: The Haunting of Sunset Canyon

is a nominee in the


To go to the next round, the book must be voted into the finalist round. Please, if you will, vote for Darcy’s and Alan’s story so it can go to the professional judges. Who knows, if Blood Stones wins in the Paranormal Romance category it will be publicized in every major romance market, and hopefully will become a bestseller.

Voting for this category is during the week of April 24th to April 30th

STEPS TO VOTE THIS WEEK: 1. SUBSCRIBE AT (you can always unsubscribe later!) 2. CONFIRM ON THE EMAIL THEY SEND YOU TO VERIFY YOUR EMAIL ADDRESS (Proves you're not a robot.) 3. VOTE FOR BLOOD STONES. 4. Then share this link with all your friends and family so they can vote :-)

Thank you for your vote this week. If by some miracle I make the Finalist Round, I'll send another newsletter with the first four chapters of Cast in Stone!!

And speaking of Book Two...

I am now the publisher of the Canyon Series!

That's right. I got my rights - - back from Black Opal Books.

This is exciting for me but also rather scary. It's good because now I have control of when the next two books will appear on Amazon and other vendor sites. This way Cast in Stone will go faster through the publishing process. YAY!

But, I have to do all the getting it through. However, I have lots of help from my friends. With the support of other writers turning to self-publishing, the path will be smoother. (That's my theory and I'm sticking to it!)

Next News Flash

This next weekend, April 29 - 30, I will be participating in an annual event held in Coarsegold, CA. A very artsy, craftsy, get your cards read event! Four of us local writers will be there in the Writer's Tent. I'll be autographing Blood Stones and selling Writers' Charm Jewelry.

There are several different necklace styles and bracelets, too. They are very nice, if I do say so myself.

If you are in the Central Valley, pop up to Coarsegold. It's only about a half-hour's drive from Fresno and promises to be worth the trip.

"The Recipes" part of the Newsletter...

It seems many newsletters have recipes to share with the readers. Often times, the recipe is one from the author's book. So, I thought I would share how one would make Eggplant Parmesan like James made in the 76 Diners' kitchen as one of his 'drive-by chef' creations.

1. First, get your laptop and go into the kitchen.

2. Open the laptop.

3. Open your favorite browser.

4. Then Google 'Eggplant Parmesan'.

5. Then choose the best-sounding recipe in the long list of recipes sure to be there. (Probably go for Betty Crocker's entry. If I ever cooked, that's what I'd do :-)

6. Turn on the oven, or whatever kitchen cooking apparatus it calls for.

7. Pour a glass of wine.

Then follow the instructions.

Your welcome. :-)

While you wait for the eggplant to cook, or bake, whatever, you might want to read my latest blog "What If? A "myth" isn't necessarily untrue. It just can't be tested or disproved." In this post are a couple of insights into what may be going on in The Haunted Canyon.

With that, I head off to do something other than sit in front of this computer for a while. When I return to this chair, the sun will be setting over Sunset Canyon and I'll be working on graphic designs for other writers. I LOVE doing this. Please see my graphics website for proof of my love-affair with Photoshop.

Happy Trails everyone. Vote for Blood Stones if you can. Really appreciate your support.


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